Solar Energy: Harness the Sun's Energy
2 min

Advantages of Switching to Solar Power in Oregon as a Homeowner

Written by
National Solar
Published on
July 30, 2024

Reduced Energy Costs

One of the most immediate benefits of solar energy is the potential for reduced energy costs. With the sun serving as a free and abundant source of power, solar panel owners can significantly cut down on their electricity bills. In fact, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), Oregonians who switch to solar can expect to save thousands of dollars over the lifespan of their solar system.

Moreover, the cost of solar installation has been decreasing over the years, making it a more affordable option for many households. The SEIA reports that the price of installing solar has dropped by more than 70% over the last decade. This trend, coupled with the potential for long-term savings, makes solar an increasingly attractive investment for Oregon residents.

Environmental Impact

Aside from the financial benefits, solar energy also offers significant environmental advantages. Solar panels produce clean, green, renewable energy, which helps to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. This is particularly important in Oregon, a state that prides itself on its commitment to environmental sustainability.

According to the Oregon Department of Energy, the state's solar installations produced over 250,000 megawatt-hours of electricity in 2019, equivalent to taking nearly 37,000 cars off the road for a year. By choosing solar, Oregonians can contribute to the state's green initiatives and help combat climate change.

Energy Independence

Solar energy also promotes energy independence. By generating their own electricity, solar panel owners are less reliant on the grid and less susceptible to price hikes in energy costs. This can provide a sense of security and control over one's energy usage and expenses.

Furthermore, Oregon's net metering policy allows solar panel owners to feed excess electricity back into the grid in exchange for credits on their utility bill. This means that even on cloudy days or during nighttime, solar panel owners can still benefit from their system.

Job Creation

The solar industry is not just beneficial for the environment and individual homeowners—it also plays a significant role in Oregon's economy. According to the SEIA, the solar industry in Oregon employed over 4,000 people in 2019, making it a key player in the state's job market.

As the demand for solar continues to grow, so too does the need for skilled workers in the field. This includes jobs in manufacturing, installation, project development, and more. Thus, the growth of the solar industry can contribute to job creation and economic development in Oregon.

State Incentives

Finally, Oregon offers several incentives for going solar in Oregon that make going solar even more appealing.

Additionally, many utility companies in Oregon offer incentives for solar energy, such as cash rebates or performance-based incentives. These programs can help offset the upfront cost of solar installation, making it a more accessible option for many residents.

How do you assess your roof's solar potential?

Not all homes are equally suited for solar installations. Several factors can influence your home's solar potential. Understanding these factors can help you make an informed decision about whether solar power is right for you.

Here are some key considerations when assessing your home for solar:

1. Roof Condition and Design

The condition and design of your roof can significantly impact the effectiveness of solar panels. Ideally, your roof should be in good condition and have a large, unobstructed south-facing area for maximum sunlight exposure. The angle of your roof also matters. In Oregon, the optimal tilt angle for solar panels is between 30 and 40 degrees.

However, even if your roof doesn't meet these ideal conditions, you may still be able to install solar panels. There are mounting systems available that can accommodate a variety of roof types and angles.

2. Sunlight Exposure

The amount of sunlight your home receives is another crucial factor. While part of Oregon gets less sunlight than states like California or Arizona, it still receives enough to make solar power a viable option for homeowners. Areas like Central Oregon, receive on average 300 days of sunlight per-year.

Keep in mind that factors such as tall trees or buildings that cast shadows on your roof can reduce your solar potential. It's essential to consider these when assessing your home for solar.

3. Energy Consumption

Your current energy consumption is another important consideration. If your energy usage is high, you'll need more solar panels to meet your needs, which can increase the cost of installation. However, the savings on your electricity bills could also be significant, not just today, but long term for the life of the solar system.

It's a good idea to review your past electricity bills or contact your utility company to get an accurate picture of your energy consumption. This information can help you determine the size of the solar system you'll need, which you can deliver to a local solar installer in Oregon.

Consulting with Professionals

While it's possible to assess your home's solar potential on your own, consulting with a professional can provide a more accurate and comprehensive evaluation. Solar installation companies typically offer free consultations and can provide detailed estimates of potential costs and savings. Assessing your home for solar in Oregon involves considering your roof's condition and design, the amount of sunlight your home receives, your energy consumption, and local regulations and incentives. While this may seem daunting, remember that there are resources available to help you through the process. With careful consideration and planning, you can harness the power of the sun and contribute to a more sustainable future.

For those looking to harness the power of the sun in Oregon, National Solar, a highly rated solar energy contractor based in Bend with over 3,000 installs in the state, offers expert guidance and top-quality products. With a commitment to positive change, National Solar makes renewable energy accessible and supports the holistic welfare of its employees and the community.

Embrace the benefits of solar energy with National Solar and contribute to a sustainable future in Oregon. Contact National Solar today to explore your solar energy options.